Woke up late again today =w= If I wrote these earlier, and did a bit more in the day to /make myself tired/, i would get up earlier and feel better about all this. can I do that...? it's a bit late for tonight, so maybe tomorrow?

Today I spent an awful lot of time watching the Blender conference. Lots of lovely things going on there, but I'm kinda upset at the lack of masks. I think a lot of people are going to leave there with permanently worsened health :/

It's another "busy" day, a very slightly busy day tomorrow. I'll wake up at 9, get ready for the day, and if i can keep a promise (no promise-- wait), I'll screenshare some drawing =_= like i always say and never do. oh actually I have to do the Important Thing I mentioned a few days ago. Guh. I'll do that... first... right.

It's the kind of thing I can agonize over forever. hey, like my drawing! or my site design! or anything! I have to limit my time on it. I'll start on it at 10. and stop on it at 10:20. that's truly all the time it needs to take. Okay, future me? are you listening?

I might agonize so much that i extend the deadline. that's okay.

it's better than nothing. goodnight