5hrs! Another record. I did not stream today.

today I ran out of batteries for my mouse :p it's one of those models that takes a double-A, and I don't have any rechargable ones x_x. So i'm using my drawing tablet, instead of digging around looking for a spare mouse. it... mostly works! it's fine.

there's been no progress on the tumbleweed update finagling, i wonder if it'll stay broken until i try to break things back? it doesn't impact anything, I don't even know what I'm getting in the update. it looks like a bunch of point updates? or like, point updates that are smaller than point updates :P i don't get this stuff.

okay, pipewire 3.84 -> 3.85 is legit. but it's not something I'm jonesing for! it's no Blender 4.0, that's for sure.

for irl tasks, nothing has moved at all. there's a phone call i should make tomorrow? i guess? it's so weird.

so all that's left is, can i make tomorrow better? I still can't. But if I do make it better, I'll have plenty of time to stream some drawing. fingers crossed, as always. Well, not always! i've now taken a moment to physically cross my fingers. maybe i should tie some red yarn on my finger.

i don't have red yarn!