started around 11 o'clock, which is a huge improvement over 19 or 20! I didn't end up doing too much -- it's like i'll work for just a few minutes at a time, and before 12:30 i was already out of it thinking about the commitment, which went on until a bit past 17? then I never returned to working on it :'P

Still, progress is progress! I'm moving things around in my files and trying different solutions to see if they're less... janky. Getting the navbar to cooperate without a million css rules or dipping into JS is stretching my knowledge!

I sorta jumped into the deep end of CSS design without going through the courses on MDN or W3Schools. Slowly building up that knowledge in the middle of a project... maybe it builds character?

well! this is day 7 -- if I want to have week 2 start with the new site, I'll have to go ham tomorrow! I'm... filled with doubt, i don't think it'll be done. But I wanna strive to see how much I can do tomorrow, keep picking up momentum...!

Just a few days ago I wasn't touching the site at all, so maybe things are getting better? But I can drop the ball at any moment, so i have to stay steadfast ;w;