4 days, wowza, that's like, 4 percent done!


Um, to give myself some credit, i have had little commitments Sunday thru Tuesday. Tomorrow, I should be mostly okay to do whatever? ugh not completely though.

oh! today, I put all my YouTube subscriptions into an rss reader. So i guess the strategy is to never open youtube in my browser again? unless I "need" to leave a like or comment or something. I like helping a few small channels in the, um, "algorithm". yuck.

I'm writing near midnight again, so I probably won't get up at 8 AM like i want to. 9 should be O.K.. So, at let's say 10:15, i'll dedicate myself to doing some site work. Boom! Easy! Surely, declaring that means i'll have good progress to report on tomorrow.


goodnight <3