I didn't do much of anything today! the time escaped me.

Thinking back, I:

I heard that Veloren got a new menu for easy World Generation! Last night I left my computer generating the largest world with the most detail and a height-scale of "4.0", which is very abstract to me but I think is "realistic" to what Earth can do?

anyway i woke up to a crashed computer. I did some more generating and played around for a few minutes... and then went back to bed.

i went for a quick walk, too. It's like all the little things eat away at my time, or what's left after my bad habits have torn their chunks out. And then any obstacle will shatter anything I could hope to grasp at.

so, i guess tomorrow I'll aggressively chronicle my day? like one sentence of "what have i been doing" every 30 minutes. just as an experiment :P



goodnight! <3