total serendipity -- right before i wrote yesterday's post lamenting the lack of progress about those color features, that *same* channel put up a new video showing a working implementation in safari and experimental chrome :O

I didn't look at things that hard (i'm still not spending much time working on these projects sadly!), but i was happy to see the new video

buuuut, sadly there's not much of a timeline for when this'll be implemented into all the other browsers by default. And still, I don't want my site's theme to break on older browsers (such as... my sparkly new firefox 118 :P )

so i need to make that boring normal theme! i might do light and dark with black and white high contrast variants, idk. I like my tinted colors and high-but-not-glaringly-high contrast v_v

If i could let users decide for themselves that'd be great! without making them modify/replace the stylesheet, or have them use reader mode, or making me add JavaScript. is that too much to ask (yes)??

at least I can get the basics. imagine a world without color-scheme, prefers-color-scheme, prefers-contrast, or forced-colors. it's like css visuals weren't even supposed to be accessible or responsive in the past, smh

all in all, i'm glad to be proven wrong about that no progress thing, it's great to see. maybe one day CSS will be... uhm...

aw, nevermind. i'm being silly. Goodnight!