I woke up on time, but I spent a lot of time lying in bed, still. Art is still a no-go. Today was busy, and i'm not strong enough to move obstacles like that out of my way :p

not to essentialize myself as being weak forever! or anything like that. I just need to change.

I decided to log how much time i spent watching YouTube videos. 3 hours! And I watch at 2x speed or higher, so that's over 6 hours of stuff that I honestly would rather have not watched. it's not doing anything to help me :P . I could watch better youtube videos, but that would take effort. and i'm not good at making an effort.

I also wanted to log a pomodoro-ish timer for doing that drawing. With 0 minutes and 0 cycles of pomodoro, i have nowhere to go except up!

The app I mentioned yesterday still isn't impressing. the pet interaction is almost nothing! i tap on it and the narrator spells out whatever emoji is floating by the pet's head (there is only 1 emoji).

tomorrow is a free day, so maybe the tasks will be easier to do. I say this for 5/7 days of the week so maybe it's not true at all. i've written up a tiny timeblock for tomorrow, so i'll see if that works. the idea is to start very early, but have a long break right after. This way, i won't put off getting started because of some fear that i'm forfeiting all my time for the next 8+ hours.

idk. we'll see how/if it goes! Goodnight.