i didn't think i was that busy, today. but i was busy from the time i woke up (08:00) to 18:00! that's a long time. Then I napped, and fit in 2 hours of YouTube, and was AFK for a while even if i wasn't forced to be, so my day completely evaporated. I could've drawn -w- boredom naps should be replaced with drawing!

i should be more assertive against anything that demands my time. become a 100% hermit to study the arts :p i kid but i'm not having a good time out here in the real world. at least if i stayed at my computer all day, i'd... well, i'd watch absurd amounts of youtube. but if i DID study the arts i'd be in a better place, and then my real world could reshape into something sweeter.

when an hour is taken from me without my control, i'm thinking drat! if i were forced to put my time to something, i'd rather it be art. instead it's this drivel, what a waste! as if i wouldn't waste that hour myself.

supposedly i'm free tomorrow?? i think i will have secrets sprung on to me. so i'll be waiting all day for that, which might never appear. like each breath is turning the jack-in-the-box a tiny bit.

with my eyes peeled,