i'm late again again! >w>

It's not totally my fault, there was a power outage right before i sat down to write. So that's booting my computer, getting my editor open, signing in to neocities... precious minutes :P

i could've written earlier to avoid this!

it also means i lost my timetracking for YT. I assume it was 3.5-4.5 hours!

i did NOT do anything today. those IRL tasks i had time for? I'll have to crunch to get them done before another task that demands me at a fixed time. this is perfectly on brand. my brand could use a little reinventing. maybe I can get in touch with those pepsi folk?

there was a new talk about Spritely put up on the internet. that was a blessing and a joy! all of it goes over my head -- i'd like to fix that some day.

with fresh power in my cpu, but maybe not my strings,