0 hours and 0 minutes of YT today :)

it's not all sunshine and rainbows, tho -- I didn't get out of bed 'til past noon, and I spent most of my time reading social media, and the many blog posts and related media that got linked there. I got groceries! There was some tiny IRL stuff to take care of. And, I did play the game a lot! There's a lot more to the campaign than I expected. I'm still not done ;w;

But i'm not that upset at today. Krita is open, Elisa (music player) is open, and I didn't open YT once. I did touch a web browser! That's because... I have to post this online.

I even messed around in Blender for a few minutes, inspired by a game development blog post I saw. Um, Tumbleweed doesn't have Blender 4.0 yet. 3.6 took a long time to get added to Tumbleweed, so i'm not surprised? I won't care much about the package manager's version much, though -- once EEVEE Next and Grease Pencil 3.0 get are more-or-less stable in 4.1 alpha/beta, i'm nabbing that from blender's website. like a windows user 🙀 (I wouldn't be surprised if Grease Pencil 3 slips to 4.2 ;w; all good things are worth waiting for, right?)

if i'm up tomorrow morning. and if i'm done with the game. i could stream! wouldn't that be something. blegh.

With butterflies and unease,