combo post! i was so absurdly late with thursdays (slept before making the post), that i'm combining it with today's.

between today and yesterday, I watched 6.5 hours of YT.

i am still frustrated about the plague. developing story :PPP i would still very much not like to get it.

i kept thinking to myself today, What can I do to make myself draw when I get back to my room? Trying to think of any setup or pretext to force my hand (onto the drawing tablet). i had a small idea, but it was thwarted at the tiniest obstacle. not a resilient idea >w>

On Wednesday, i ended up being busy first thing in the morning. That podcast-drawing combo never happened. i still have the podcast loaded up! i still have OBS open! i still have the drawing open!

i was busy this morning as well. I thought maybe I could write Wednesday's post in the morning, but mired in IRL things, it didn't happen.

back on topic though, what does a resilient idea look like? getting some accountability would be nice. i don't have people to ask that from >_>

see, i'm not in any communities, because i haven't gotten myself ready for that, because my drawing and the site isn't done, so --

yea. it's major self-sabotage.

what did that one person say? I guess the shoes I put right on my feet shouldn't be glued to the ground!

i'm getting off track. what's the solution? it's getting late. I guess i'm kicking the can down one more day.

as i keep doing! gragh!

what did that one person say? Goodnight!