My cardinal sin showed up again -- Taking a nap late at night. It's way too late!

The pipewire OBS Plugin works. I'm over the moon with how seamless it is! I select "Pipewire Application Audio Capture" and the app I wanna capture, and the plugin does its magic. Capturing a whole application is a bit weird. If I have sound on two firefox tabs, or windows (even on different profiles!), they're all combined into one audio source. So I can't separate music and a podcast or stream.

I'm dealing with this in a very silly way. I installed LibreWolf! It'll take care of the music, so I can use Firefox for whatever I want. This is not elegant. oh well.

With my newfound pipewire plugin powers, I still didn't stream. I'll fix that on Monday the 6th. Let's say 11:00 AM EST.
