4 hours on YT today. The time has been pretty consistent, on days where I'm not busy! I gotta reduce it, a lot.

I'd be OK with 2 hours, if I spent 6 more on my projects. Um, that idea is hilariously far away! it's been about a month since I've done anything with my projects. Even 1 hour would be uplifting, now.

I'm going to reboot my computer as soon as I post this, and launch Krita. I'll open I'll the files I'm using for the drawing. And I'll open my music player. Then, I'm not going to touch a web browser until I've... beaten the video game I keep mentioning. In the morning, I'll stream while listening to VODs. Easy, right? (No.)

Looking at the drawing will be scary. There will be dissatisfying things about it! I'll want to make broad changes or start over again. I caaaan't. The lineart is almost done. Base colors will take a litte bit -- there are 2 color schemes I'm torn between. Maybe I'll make an unholy fusion of them.

Shading will be hard, I haven't tried following the shading style of the source material before. And getting the character to look grounded against the background will be challenging, I don't think I can pull it off.

Once the small details and finishing touches come together, I'll post it? that sounds impossible. The streamer i'm drawing this for has been busy, so some "On screen reaction" might not happen. it's not necessary! It wouldn't get me eyeballs (i don't want eyeballs), it's a very very small viewership (no offence!). It'd just be ~a nice moment~.

With high hopes and the nerve to dash them,