5hrs & 40mins of YT. that's really really bad.

again today, i didn't start anything because I thought i would be more busy than i was. i guess the difference today was, instead of taking a nap i just watched more youtube. not rly a positive development!

there was no way i was going to be able to force myself to play the game last night, and i won't be able to do that tonight, either. In the morning? that's possible. i guess i'll aim for that. finish the game tomorrow morning. locked in. okay. (i feel terrible right now)

speaking of games, that virtual pet / goal tracking game has been pretty much untouched for a while. everything there sits frozen because i'm not doing goals, or bothering to mark when i've done them. One of the goals I made was for working on projects for an hour. it was set to be complete-able up to 6 times daily. i never checked complete once.

the app was pretty miserable everywhere else, too. once, it shoved a carl jung quote in my face.

i think i'm done "evaluating" it. I never got the pet out of the first zone, so maybe it's not a fair chance that i've given it. that's ok.

that's all -w- . goodnight -w- .