I found the place to emulate prefers-contrast: more =w=

It's a bit embarrasing to write down "I can't find this thing!" when I've barely looked, and then find it write after publication... ah well!

So it will be easy for me to make the other themes work :D I need to test a screen reader, too, and see if something's weird in the accessibility tree. Which means I'll have to learn how to use the accessibility tree. oh no

The site shouldn't be TOO bad; I try to be semantic with my HTML so the accessibility is mostly done for me. But I do have a checkbox with no label, which has appearance: none; on it. And it has a pseudo-element on it with text saying it's a menu.

So it's masquerading as a button, but its role is still "checkbox" and, on keyboard, it only responds to the spacebar. Kinda cursed, kinda hacky, so i need to make sure it's not making accessibility a nightmare!

In other news, I did a teensy bit of sketching and whatnot for the drawing! I've chosen a pose, so I just need to draw it well-ish enough to refine until I like it. I am going ALL IN on it tomorrow!!! I must! I want to!

I don't know how to *make* myself do it if I'm feeling sluggish tomorrow, though. And it's like I always feel sluggish. sometimes i post Frantic related stuff on a small fan community chatroom, so I might just chime in like "Yo, i'll be on screenshare for drawing starting tomorrow morning".

The problem is that i'm very very embarrased by how bad I am at drawing, how lacking in technique i am, how inefficient my methods are. so I don't want people to be, like, looking. at the screenshare. sigh

i'll just force myself and cry the whole time ;^; i will survive

with trepidation,