it's just like me to, after saying "the latest i will ever ever be!", be way way later. it's past 09:00! I took a "nap" at ~22:40 and slept the whole night, tale as old as time. I shouldn't be doing that!

3hrs 50mins of YouTube today.

I've decided i'm done with the game, for the time being :3 credits have rolled, all is well. I can draw now! i just have to pick... up... the... pen... [this will be difficult]

the IRL problems aren't throwing me for a loop as much as before. so i should be able to work around that to get this ball rolling!

so my Attack for today is something like:

this is very very optimistic. note the lack of "watch youtube" in there. I'll watch some with breakfast and dinner of course... but hopefully not too much!

goodnight! it's morning ;w;