It's so backwards! I've spent no time at all pursuing my interests since making Day 1's post.

I'm so vigilant with the time wasters-- watching videos I don't really care about, scrolling on Mastodon, lurking on Discords. It's like I'm doing everything I can to avoid what it is I WANT to do the most!

so i'm wondering what I can change in my life to start towards doing those things. Building inertia, getting a jumpstart, whatever other phrase! Just wanna make it happen >_>

so I'm thinking, is there something structural I can change? blocking youtube probably isn't happening. maybe if there's a way that I can only show my subscriptions feed? wait, doesn't youtube support rss? maybe worth looking in to.

or maybe I can stop eating meals in my room, that always leads to me going ah! time for videos! can't eat without watching something!, but i can.

maybe maybe maybe.

and I should leave the servers i lurk in but don't participate in. I'll do that pruning right after I post this ^^

hopefully something will stick and will help, or maybe I'll get even MORE and find stranger ways to waste my time.

anyways, goodnight! i hope the void reading this is doing okay, or at least well enough to find a chance to do okay soon. <3