Welcome to the new si-- Oh! I haven't gotten to that. Mm.

Happy Samhain. This is my favorite time of year; it's cool out, the bugs are gone, and the leaves are pretty!

I wanted everything to get done for today, for this post. It didn't happen :/
Accountability hasn't gotten any easier! I did some drawing, but mostly I mocked something up in Blender because I was struggling with the shape and volume. I'm not sure i have a good grasp on it even now...! I even gave it a fancy material to see where highlights would fall.

Still, I had so much time to draw after doing all that. I didn't ;w; I'm still watching YouTube. Didn't I say I'd stop doing that...? I said I'd stop using the site, and just use my RSS feed to see channels I wanted to see. I should get back to that. And that 1hr work 20mins Other Stuff seemed wise too. If I could just hold myself to it!! I'll try tomorrow, at least. I'll see how it goes.

I want this season to be better!
