howdy! i didn't let myself be busy.

i got a solid 3hrs20 on yt today. not super glad about it! but eh.

Blender 4.0 came out today!!! so awesome. i follow the weekly blender livestream, so I'm already more excited for Grease Pencil 3.0 and EEVEE Next for 4.1, but that's not due til, what, march? Ostara???

i dropped an earbud outside somewhere really gross and was on my knees for like 10 minutes looking for it ;w; i found it, so no worries...

so there's now a harsh deadline for those "any-time" tasks, it's tomorrow evening-ish. let's see what i can pull off by then :P

nothing has changed with my life but i'm writing in a much more chipper way =w= weird.

but i'll take it! Goodnight.