3hrs20 of youtube.

My foreboding plan did exactly what I thought it would! it worked! it had a positive effect! but it didn't make me draw or get up early or anything =w=

the plan? putting a giant sticky note on my monitor, and refusing to remove it until i do whatever i wrote on it.

so that doesn't help drawing much. i need to have my monitor, um, unobstructed.

i've done similar capers before, like setting a journal on top of my phone -- so to turn off its alarm in the morning, i'd have to grab and move the journal, and pinky promise myself to write whatever I need to write in it, like... a plan. These daily posts are sort-of my journal now, but I'm sooo vague on here. And I'm not engaging w/ all my short and medium goals on here.

I could bring that back? Instead of a journal it'd be, um, notecards with a binder clip. there's a name for that, but i sorta hate it.

OK. i have gingerly set my cards on my phone. I'll make breakfast and update my cards while watching a livestream vod that doesn't take much attention.

um, this is nonsense work! it's not getting me closer to my goal of drawing at all! agh. i'll still do it, but i have to draw......

a little bit torn, Goodnight!