I stayed up too late last night, and woke up late too. Then procrastinated until 14:00, and then something was sprung on me and I ended up being busy until 18:45. just my luck 💀💀💀

i did stream after that though! and i was glad to. I made more progress, if very very slowly. I could spend forever on this piece, I think, but if I let it be a little bit scuffed I could finish it tomorrow. If I can dedicate myself to it.

tomorrow is... the last day of Mabon! These 6 weeks flew by (did they? it feels like working on the website happened ages ago). I don't want Samhain's posts to be this low quality :(

I could write about finishing the drawing, if that happens! I could write about recapping Mabon and detailing plans for Samhain! Something with more structure. I wish I had the new site design up. I could do a lot of the remaining work in a few hours, I feel.

pff. i get too ambitious! a lot is possible, I'll just have to wake up early and decide what I want to do these next 2 days. probably the drawing, to start, but I'll go from there :)

with insufficiently tempered expectations,